Monday, July 19, 2010

Springs1 Is Socially Inept

Everyone knows that it is hard to infer the tone of someone else's words online. Usually things like italics, or bolding a word or two can help to get your point across. With the exception of everyone's legally blind, 85 year old grandpa, typing in all caps is seen as universally rude. It may or may not be as rude as purposely derailing a conversation, especially when the derailment is self serving, but many people just don't know any better. Sprinsg1, strangely enough, encompasses all of these traits. Type the word 'service' or 'restaurant' and she's likely to come, pinkies blazing, recounting her endless disastrous tales of bad service. It's her trademark. After all of these years, there has never been anyone even close to as socially awkward and crass as she is. No one really knows what her point is, other than the fact that she needs someone to bitch to. People who want to change something, no matter how trivial, would know not to alienate their audience. So the point is, Springs doesn't really care about getting bad service. Nope, all the capital letters and detailed stories doesn't make a person dedicated to their cause. She just wants to be heard, so she picked a hot topic with marginalized participants to spew her hate.

See, if I wanted to change how car salespeople worked I would not go to a forum that the frequent and type in caps locks. She knows it's rude, however, Springs1 doesn't care. That's where the power element comes in. It's her money and her time, therefore she should be able to write all of the rules, corporate profits be damned. Where else other than a restaurant do you even spend that much time on a regular basis? It's what she looks forward to. Everyone needs a hobby, and if waiting for your server to make a mistake is what helps you to go on another day, so be it. The real problem starts when she tries to control other diners. Most diners don't sweat the small stuff, but she does. It infuriates this troubled soul when you disagree with one of her 43 serving commandments. How dare you empathize with a waiter or waitress? Of course you should get angry when they do something that rubs you the wrong way, inadvertently or not. That makes them a lazy, uncaring buffoon. Springs1 has dehumanized servers to the point of completely objectifying them. They don't have the right to have sore feet, or forget an item. In her mind, they aren't real people. They should have chosen a different career path and they definitely don't have the luxury of having off days. I can only compare her convoluted views with those of a misogynistic sexist or hardcore racist. Only a person that has absolutely no capacity to relate to those that they criticize, verbally abuse and chastise would be able to have such extreme thoughts, even if online.

She doesn't know every single server in the world, but she hates them all. While she tries to act like this is the case, the entire way that she interacts with servers tells another story. How else would she have the audacity to go to their house so to speak and them proverbially shit on them? In fact, Springs1 hates anyone that doesn't fit into her own narrow, self absorbed world. There aren't a lot of things that she can control in her own life, so she found something that empowered her; creating an online persona that no one could silence. It's not a new concept at all, but she has been able to define so many new 'isms' that a research paper should be written on her short but notable history. Now, this is just my opinion but a functional person just would not have been able to keep this up for as long as she has. This isn't trolling, this is a completely serious and necessary emotional outlet for Springy. Maybe her 'husband' doesn't allow her to vent as much as she'd like. I think that her own job is very demanding and provides few rewards. She is probably held to unrealistic expectations, thus, making it even easier to have similar expectations of others. Therapy would be a great place for her to start, but it doesn't appear that Springy truly thinks that there is anything wrong with her. I'm sure that she doesn't share her online activities with anyone else, but that has no relevance in her mind.

I've already had to cut her off from commenting as she doesn't want to get to the root of the problem. She really did think that her trademark ramblings would go over on a blog devoted to offering a no-nonsense approach to breaking down her psychotic behavior. That will probably piss her off, but that is to be expected from a unbalanced control freak. Maybe once she gets restaurants off the mind, Springs1 can start to truly think about why so many question her tactics. This isn't about servers, it's all about Springy and what goes on inside of her deep, dark mind.

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