So after taking a second look at the bits and pieces of my posts that Springs1 so benevolently decided to answer, I had to ask myself if the problem was in the delivery. Was I not clear enough with my statements? Surely, suggesting that Springy go and try out waiting in an eating establishment couldn't have been misconstrued. Was it confusing when I mentioned that restaurants have strict procedures and insubordination is the quickest way to get fired? I came to the conclusion that I was fairly clear. I'm no veteran server and I've never professed to be one.At the same time, I know everyone hasn't served. But an undeniable fact is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Facts can be backed up with statistical evidence while opinions are based on a law of personal averages. Opinions can be wrong, but the holder of that opinion is still entitled to it. Springs1 thinks most servers are lazy.
What happens when this dictator interacts with other people is that she tries to correct other people's opinions. Simply put, everyone online who even responds to her is seen as the enemy. You are wrong, no matter what you say. You should mind getting preemptive service because she does. If you find that a server making suggestions to be helpful, you are a fool. Basically, if you have a carefree attitude about going out to eat then you are as wasteful and lazy as every other hated server. You can't just go out to eat and have a good time. Nope, notice everything, analyze the hated servers and make sure that you cut them down to size. No -- not to their face, just hold it all in until it explodes online.
In comparison, I can think of a few laws that aren't really fair, but I'm not going out of my way to break them just to prove a point. I like my freedom, therefore I obey the law. The same theory can be applied to any workplace. Almost every workplace has rules that are both archaic and counterproductive, but because we value our positions we oblige. Somehow, servers, who are obviously seen as sub-humans by Springs1, are not able to be seen as living, breathing people. I'm not saying that it's anyone's job to solely support their server, but getting mad at an individual for following the rules set forth by their employer is a moron.
It's one of those situations that borders on obsession. Homophobic people tend to talk about gay people quite a lot. Considering that they don't like those particular people in question, it's really weird that they spend so much time speaking of them. Springs1 sure spends a lot of time talking about stupid servers. If she truly cared about servers living up to their full potential, then she would have chosen a career in restaurant management. Maybe she would be a motivational speaker or one of those secret shoppers. People who just talk about what or who they hate only do so because aren't where they want to be in life and are filled with venom because of it. Someone has to bear the brunt of their unhappiness.
There isn't an end goal for Springs1. She didn't post up her rules for servers to truly help them in any way, shape or form. This was only done to validate her thoughts and opinions. After all, this is the same woman who tells other diners that their opinions are wrong. She didn't take a poll and she doesn't engage in healthy discussions. For her, it's all finger pointing, mud slinging and digital screaming matches. Your opinion doesn't matter because you aren't important. What is important, in her tiny, dense mind is that all servers do things to her specifications only. All of this nonsense was done so that she could elevate her status and sense of importance. I'm beginning to think that she's a bit of a sociopath, but I'll leave that for another post.
What we can do to help Springs1 tackle her many mental disorders is to never directly engage with her regarding specific restaurant practices. When you mention 'automatic refills' it triggers something deep within the recesses of her soul. She probably can't help it so she's really not to blame. Notice the second to last post here where she comments, "What important stuff?" If you don't give her a cue to place her random caps locks and cut and paste stories, she's like a little lost puppy. There is nothing remotely analytical about the way that she operates. It's a simple call and response, so if there's no call then she cannot respond. Of course, tangling that carrot in front of her face will her come running, but when she sees that the bait was just, well, bait, then she's literally at a loss for words. Anytime that you try to reason with her or offer a different perspective, she will not take the time to see your point. She will be too busy trying to make her opinion into an unwritten law of God to even acknowledge your humanity.
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