Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Is Springs1 overweight, underweight or suffering from an eating disorder?

Although Springs1 describes herself at 5 feet tall and weighing less than 100 pounds, from the amount of fatty condiments and drinks she regularly gorges herself with on the weekend it is hard to believe that she doesn't have some type of eating disorder. While she says that she carefully watches what she eats, if we are to believe her, she is clearly underweight and is suffering from the signs of a new, crazy eating disorder. Anorexia is defined as someone who starves themselves, eating less than 500 calories a day. Well, good old Springs1 claims to eat between 500 - 600 calories a day, 5 days a week. At that rate of caloric intake, it's safe to assume that she would be continually losing weight. I mean, she'd have to eat around 3,000 calories a day the other two days of the week just to compensate for the other days. A person who is in a near constant state of starving can't be expected to behave rationally.

Think about it. If you eat only spinach, roots and berries five days a week when you knew that you would be able to eat the most delicious, fatty, high calorie meal on Friday night, wouldn't you be more than a bit anxious? Most of us could care less if we got four sides of Ranch or two because we'd be overjoyed by the sight of a substantial meal. Then again, most of us don't make a habit out of this either. By the third week, you might start to get a little more picky. After a few months of stalking your server go in and out of the kitchen, you might be able to time exactly how long it takes for your appetizer to get to your table. And you'd probably be pissed if it took an extra two minutes.

Mind you, I'm taking Springs1 claims at face value. There's also a photo album with the same name as her infamous moniker that has a buttload of pictures that are supposed to be her. This person looks happy enough, but is definitely more than 90 pounds. What is leading me to believe that Springy-chicky-baby is more than 90 and could possibly be the mystery woman is because she's frequented boards geared towards moms. As a supposedly married woman with no children who is obsessed with keeping her weight down, she should be allergic to children. Sure, she goes to some pretty random places to post her rants, but she has made a beeline straight for online Mommy hubs to make up completely new posts with her 'Rules for Servers' crap. What would make a childless woman do that? The only thing I can come up is that she's become barren due to her unhealthy eating practices and decided to target a new type of victim. Granted, she's also posted at shaving forums as well. She's really, really random.

Her having a few rugrats running rampant along with a few extra pounds of padding would give at least a plausible reason as to why she's trying so hard to control her life via the internet. I'm about 60/40, but a strong argument might sway me.
Honestly, I'm not sure what to think.


  1. "There's also a photo album with the same name as her infamous moniker that has a buttload of pictures that are supposed to be her. This person looks happy enough, but is definitely more than 90 pounds."

    That's not me, I PROMISE YOU THAT!! Are you nuts to think I would post my picture on the internet? NO WAY!!

    I weigh right at this moment 97 and a half pounds. That is the GOD'S TRUTH!! I only eat a lot like that on Saturdays. I use to do it Fridays too, but I also back then did a yo-yo diet where I would 2(NOT 5 days), eat less than 500 calories. The other days still not eat really a lot. I would still eat normal meals the rest of the days.

    I do not do that crazy diet anymore due to health issues. I stopped in 2008 at some point in that year. That's why I got up to almost 100lbs. Today I am at 97 and a half pounds.

    Why does weight play a part in this discussion anyways? Restaurants service for fat people is no different than small, non-fat people like me.

    Being small also has gotten 2 times where servers told me "You know it's not a big salad", probably, because of my size, NOT the salad size when I ordered 4 sides of ranch one time and 5 sides another time. I was using the ranch for other things and decided to order the side salad first along with all the ranches. I think if I were large, they wouldn't have said that, don't you?

  2. "Most of us could care less if we got four sides of Ranch or two because we'd be overjoyed by the sight of a substantial meal."

    Even when I just ate a lot the day before, that has NOTHING to do with it. It has to do with that I like the food ONLY like that, NOT without it. If I had the food without it, I would change my order, for real, because there's no point to eating it without it.

  3. Reading comprehension. Try it, you'll like it.
